"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren where we can show some love to all the books that we got in the mail or otherwise!
I'm really mostly a "bi-weekly IMM" kinda gal because I honestly don't get books all that often, lol. Now, if I didn't have financial worries, that would totally be a different story!! So, since it's been two weeks since my Dark Days of Supernatural IMM post, I figured I would go ahead and share with you the exciting arrivals of the last two weeks!
Hourglass by Myra McEntire
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
From my library (the staff lounge "free stuff" table, lol):
Dead Beautiful (ARC) by Yvonne Woon
I Am J by Chris Beam
For Review:

From NetGalley & EgmontUSA:
The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen
Ashes by Ilsa Blick

From NetGalley & Disney-Hyperion:
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
Vanished by Sheela Chari
Life Eternal by Yvonne Woon
Great set! I really enjoyed The Near Witch. I hope you love it.
Omg I read Hourglass. Amazing! Wanna read the Iron Witch :)
i JUST bought hourglass too!!
Great IMM! I read the Iron Witch a few months ago, although I still haven't reviewed it yet. Hope you enjoy it!
I just finished Hourglass and loved it.
Great haul! I really like the cover for Vanished and am eager to see what you think of it!
Dead Beautiful looks very interesting. Hope you enjoy it!
(PS: New follower :)
A great mailbox! They all look great! I can't wait to read Hourglass :)
Check out what's In My Mailbox
Mia @ Gripped into Books
Nice mailbox this week. I really like the I am J cover. It took me a few looks to realize it was a book and not a misplaced hoodie in the picture. LoL :o) I'm still working on my first cup of coffee for the morning so my brain isn't fully caught up to speed yet.
We both got Hourglass this week! I can't wait to read it. In fact, we both have a lot of the same books, but I haven't gotten around to reading most of them. I hope you enjoy all of them though!
Happy reading :)
I love love loved Hourglass. It's technically also in my mailbox, though I got it a while ago :D. I'm also a bi-weekly IMM girl... this week only has a lot thanks to my failure with a book ban.
I also got The Mephisto Covenant so here's to hoping we both enjoy it! I've also read and enjoyed The Iron Witch so I wish the same to you :).
Happy reading!
-Christina Reads YA
I have Iron Witch in Mt. Read Me somewhere. I really need to get to reading my books! *sigh* Never enough time is there? It looks like you had a great week for books!
Happy Reading!
Stephanie @Once Upon a Chapter
My Mailbox
Wow great set of books Im jealous. The one with the zipped up jacket looks cool. Can't wait to read the Near Witch, Hourglass, and the Iron witch.
I'm in the queue at the library for Hourglass, and I'm rather looking forward to it. So many fabulous books here, what to start first? :)
Oh I NEED The Way We Fall!!
I'm in the queue at the library for Hourglass, and I'm rather looking forward to it. So many fabulous books here, what to start first? :)
I have Iron Witch in Mt. Read Me somewhere. I really need to get to reading my books! *sigh* Never enough time is there? It looks like you had a great week for books!
Happy Reading!
Stephanie @Once Upon a Chapter
My Mailbox
Great haul! I really like the cover for Vanished and am eager to see what you think of it!
Great IMM! I read the Iron Witch a few months ago, although I still haven't reviewed it yet. Hope you enjoy it!
i JUST bought hourglass too!!
Great set! I really enjoyed The Near Witch. I hope you love it.
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