27 June 2011

200 Follower Summer Giveaway!

Hello my lovelies!

So, I hinted on Friday that if I hit 200 followers on Friday I would host a giveaway. Well...I did it!! (with many thanks to Mickey @ I'm a Book Shark and Neri @ In the Name of Books for retweeting for me at the last minute for the final 2 followers!!) I've wanted a good reason to do a giveaway for awhile now just because I LOVE giving people books.  It's good for the soul, lol. So, here it is! My 200 Follower Giveaway!!

(Some of my fav books of 2011 so far!)

So, here's the deal! Two lucky winners will get the chance to win any book of their choice from The Book Depository! The first place winner can choose a book for up to $15. The second place winner can choose a book for up to $10. (If I happen to get to 300 followers by the end of the giveaway, I'll give away a $10 book to a third winner!)

200 Follower Summer Giveaway:
- You must be a GFC follower
- You must be at least 13 years of age
- Open Internationally (anywhere the Book Depository ships)
- One entry per person (duplicates will be deleted)
- Deadline: July 25, 11:59 CST

As an added bonus (if you're still reading this post), I'll give you an extra entry on any NEW review that you comment on between now and July 25 (including this morning review of Hereafter)! So stop by and comment often!


Lisa @ Read.Breathe.Relax. said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! :) And congrats on 200 followers!! Woo hoo!!

Deea said...


Congrats on your 200+ followers and many more to come! There are sooo many great books out there this year, right?:D And you have quite a nice list up there!;) Awesome titles! I loved The Goddess Test! Oh, and Red Glove by Holly Black!


Susan @ The Book Bag said...

You are awesome - love your giveaway! The best book for me so far this summer is Violet of March by Sarah Jio. There are so many good books out there right now, I am just getting started!

Lindsay Cummings author said...

thanks!! you should read wither. it is AMAZING! and also, go by my blog and check out the trailer for Pam Bachorz's DROUGHT. i just started reading it and LOVEEE it!


kathy said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway! Even though I get a lot of book recs from you, one I'm really liking is I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan. It's good so far but I suspect it will end up being a crying book!

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

It's so hard to pick one favorite, but I enjoyed Water for Elephants, The Hunger Games, The Violets of March, and The Peachkeeper.

Thanks for the Giveaway and Congrats!

Nikita said...

My favourite read of 2011? I enjoyed The Mortal Instruments (because I love Jace!:D). Right now I am really looking forward to read The Body Finder series and dystopian novels Divergent and Wither. :)

Congrats on reaching 200 followers! :) And thank you for this chance to win! :)

bookworm.nikita (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan @ The Book Bag said...

Alexis - I have read all of your suggestions except The Hunger Games. I LOVED all 3 of them! And The Hunger Games is a series that everyone is telling me I need to read. Guess I should move them up on my list.

Danny said...

Congrats!!!!!! 200 Follower and growing!! Thanks for the giveaway..
My fav book this year? Daughter's of Smoke and Bone (AWESOMETASTIC), Starcrossed... ..and sooo many more!


Bookish Brunette said...

My fav read... TOUGH one dude... I've read so many awesome books!

I LOVED Divergent, I'm LOVING Rot & Ruin, I LOVED The First Days, Graffiti Moon was AWESOMENESS...

Does that help? ;)
The Bookish Brunette

Cait said...

Oooh my fave read...wow. Okay, I LOVED hourglass, that book is amazing. I also really loved The Restorer by Amanda Stevens! Congrats on 200 followers and thanks so much for the giveaway =]

ArtemisG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awesome Comp! I love books. <3

ArtemisG said...

Congrats on your 200+ followers and I wish you many more! My favorite read this year was Divergent by Veronica Roth
Thanks for the giveaway.

Scarlett said...

chime by Franny Billingsley was my favorite so far, such a unique voice and a great story with a great theme behind it.

Lindsay said...

My two favorites so far have been Die For Me..and of course, GRAVEMINDER!! =)

Lindsay said...

Oh and I just noticed you were reading The Sacred Romance. SO GOOD! I think we have 3 copies at the house lol

ham1299 said...

Great giveaway. As for my favorite read so far this year ... gosh, I have so many. Here's the short list:

Nightshade and Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal

Anna and the French Kiss, but it looks like you've read that one already! ;-)

kaye (paper reader) said...

I already mentioned Unwind. Let's see. STAY by Deb Caletti, the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead, Moonglass by Jessi Kirby. For starters!

Diana said...

my fav read this year is HEAVENLY by Jennifer Laurens. Its not a debut, but it is angelic, no pun untended :)haha! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


jayjay said...

I looooove Die For Me! Vincent is swoon worthy for me! I love this awesome character :)

thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Elanor Lawrence said...

I think DIVERGENT was my favourite year so far, but since I already own that, if I win the contest I'd probably pick either The Maze Runner by James Dashner, or else Supernaturally by Kiersten White. Thanks a lot for the contest!

Getting Your Read On said...

I've got quite a few fav reads so far this year. Loved Divergent, Die for Me, Waterfall and Cascade by Lisa Bergren, Between Shades of Gray, ...

Thanks for the chance to win!

brandonaimee AT gmail DOT com

Stephanie Asbridge said...

My favorite book? Ah this is a hard one. It would probably have to be Willow by Julia Hoban. I also really liked Amaretto Flame (Eagleton Coven) by Sammie Spencer.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!

Krazzyme(Young Readers) said...

Read now if you haven't already

mfay2 said...

I think you have a book there for every taste. Congratulations on having 200+ followers. I only started blogging a month and something ago and having 200 followers is a lot of people! Imagine 200 people in front of you interested in what you have to say. What?! Haha. Congrats!

mfay2 said...

Forgot the book recs: *Opening Goodreads*
I'm going to give you contemporary recs because that's mostly all I read, okay?
-Love Sick by Jake Coburn
-Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
-Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles
-Sweethearts by Sara Zarr
-If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman (Favorite)
-Playing Hurt by Holly Schindler

alovelywriterxo said...

-Congrats on your 200 followers! I wish you many many more! :) My favorite read would be between Falling Under by Gwen Hayes and Abandon by Meg Cabot.


Felicia @ A Novel Paradise said...

Hey thanks for this wonderful giveaway! This year so far, I really enjoyed Stay by Deb Caletti and Between Here And Forever by Elizabeth Scott :D

Felicia C

Mandy said...

I was going to recommend Divergent but you've already read that (and loved it) so...Hourglass by Myra Mcentire? Or Putting Makeup on Dead People by Jen Violi.


Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

Congratulations! WOW, 200 followers! I really, really hope it will be 300 soon!
All the books there look amazing, I've heard nothing but good things about Divergent and The Iron King! But my favorite read would be Unearthly!

Congratulations again!

Clary said...

COngrats on reaching 200!!! *throws invisible confetti*

So far this year I've enjoyed The Argeneau Vampire Series by Lynsay Sands and The Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost =D

Thanks for the giveaway


WickedWillow said...

The Hunger Games, Thirteen reasons why and Before I die were my favorite books!
They are amazing!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Hii, this super summer extravaganza totally rocks my socks off, and so does your awesome blog! Totally a follower, potential crazy lady in a tree stalker for life! ;)

Thank you, for this fun giveaway.

Suz @ A Soul Unsung

Unknown said...

I've heard so many great things about each of these books!(:
Awesome giveaway and congratz!


Jennifer said...

Some books i've read this year that i would recommend:

Nightshade/Andrea Cremer
Bumped/Megan McCafferty
Unearthly/Cynthia Hand
The Gathering/Kelley Armstrong
Delirium/Lauren Oliver

Anonymous said...

My favourite books so far in 2011 are Paranormalcy and The Year of Secret Assignments. I hope you will enjoy them! :D

Thanks for the giveaway.

Carol said...

Great giveaway. As for my favorite read so far this year ..I'll have to say Divergent BUT i'm reading Solstice by PJ Hoover & really enjoying it so far ^^

Bea said...

I enjoyed Divergent, Hourglass and Clarity. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mervi said...

Congrats on the followers! :)

The best books I've read so far this year are the Hunger Games trilogy and Feed by Mira Grant.

Madalena said...

Where She Went, by Gayle Forman.

So touching, and moving, and just plain wonderful.
And so was If I Stay!

marian said...

i really liked reading Unearthly by Cynthia Hand and the goddess test by aimee carter

Amanda said...

A kinda lesser-known but really awesome book I've read is Sabriel by Garth Nix, I can't even explain how amazing it is. :)

latishajean said...

Thank you so much what a great giveaway! I have alot of favorites this year Everlasting, City of fallen angels, and Iron Queen are a few! So many summer releases I want to read too Like Bloodline :)
Thanks again and Congrats on followers!
tishajean@ charter.net

Anonymous said...

congrats more than 200 followers. thanks for the giveaway.

Badass Bookie said...

Congrats on 200+ followers! I was so excited when I reached 200 I hope you are too :) Great reviews you have written and keep up the great blogging!

Badass Bookie said...

Forgot my recommendation! ARGHHH

Totally recommend -

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Die for Me by Amy Plum
Entangled by Cat Clarke
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite reads so far this year have been Jasper Jones, Memento Nora, and Across the Universe.

Anonymous said...

Well I've started my blog this year and since I have received numerous proof copies as well as won competition books! Both my two favourite books this year where recieved through my blog ( www.pagenumbered.blogpsot.com ).
1. Anything by Cassandra Clare. I've every book of hers that is out plus one ARC that will be released this year! They are awesome and brilliant!
2. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. It was absolueltey ahmazing! I'm not sure when it is released (it was an ARC) but it was probobly my over favourite book so far this year and will proboly not be beaten.
Thanks for the awesome Giveaway!

mendy said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I read so many great book, so I have so many favorites. I enjoyed reading Leviathan, I Am Number Four, Enclave and Hex Hall.

Ashley Ziemer said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Great giveaway! I'd say Torment by Lauren Kate or Crunch Time by Diane Mott Davidson or The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker!

kristina shields said...

I loved Tiger's Curse by colleen houck.

Lindsey said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I just started reading Libba Bray's Beauty Queens...hilarious!

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway! fave book read in 2011?? This one's hard...so far I've loved would be Spellbound, Ordinary Beauty and Paranormalcy.
Thanks again!

April X said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Love love love The Demon's Lexicon series by Sarah Rees Brennan :)

ashley said...

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

Anonymous said...

I just discovered the Past Midnight series by Mara Purnhagen. I'm loving it. There are 2 out already plus an eBook novella. There will be one more book and eBook novella coming in August. So if you love it like I do you'll have a lot to read!

Great giveaway by the way! :) Congrats on the followers!

Cassia said...

My favourite read of 2011? Maybe Divergent by Veronica Roth. I love dystopian novels. :)
Thank you very much for the giveaway! :)

Tamara said...

Starcrossed, Divergent, Die For Me, Unearthly, to name some. :))

Mariana S said...

The first book I read this year was The Maze Runner and I loved it. Other one I loved is Starcrossed, it was great!!

Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on those nearly 300 followers!!

Anonymous said...

Before I Fall and Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said...

I would have to recommend at least so far Passion by Lauren Kate, Mercy by Rebecca Lim, and The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter.
Also Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Ana Norte said...

My favorite 2011 book so far is The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter! Just loved and looking forward to the second book!!

Thanks for the giveaway and making it international!

Aliraluna said...

I want to read Divergent!!! grr e.e congrats for all your followers

Rachel said...

Congrats on 200 followers!
There have been sooooo many great books released this year so far and we're only halfway through. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, City of Fallen Angels by Cassie Clare, Hereafter by Tara Hudson, Lover Unleashed by J.R Ward, Born at Midnight by C.C Hunter. I could go on and on.....

Janhvi said...

thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!!
i would definitely say the darkest secret by gena showalter was my best 2011 read:)

michelle said...

Great giveaway, congrats on 200 followers.

K=I have loved kelley Armstrong this year and can't wait for SPellbound to be released

In Julie's Opinion said...

Congratulations on your milestone! I am a new follower and I'm very glad I've found your site:) I will be anxiously awaiting your 500 follower giveaway!

jwitt33 at live dot com

Unknown said...

My fav book so far is "Forgive My Fins". Besides that thanks a lot for the giveaway and for sharing your happiness with us, yay!



usagi, said...

Congrats on 200!

Favorite book? Hourglass. It's magical, charming, and real all at the same time, which is really hard to get right. And McEntire did it right. :)

Thanks for the giveaway - may you have many more followers! :3

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thank you. :) My favorite book so far is "My love lies bleeding" such a great book.

Alivia said...

My favorite book of 2011 so far? Probably the Hunger Games! Thanks for the AWESOME give-away!! :]

Sniffly Kitty said...

Favorite Read so far is Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi

ZoeRainDasher said...

Dum... dum... dum.

Favourite reads this year...

Do you want to cry or laugh?

Um..if you want to cry a lot: Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma.

Cry and smile and smile: The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson.

Smile and grin and grin and then tear a little bit: Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini.

Smile and laugh and then get frustrated and then grin really wide: Love Story by Jennifer Echols.

Laugh all the way: Hounded by Kevin Hearne.

Seriously, read Hounded.. It will make you laugh so much! The main character is just so funny!

ily said...

Favorite Read so far is Anna and the french kiss

bookbitereviews said...

My favorite for the year so far is between 4 really good books.

1. An Apple For Zoe By Thomas Amo (giveaway on blog)
2. Childe By C.A. Kunz
3. The Pearl Savage By Tamara Rose Blodgett (Giveaway soon)
4. Forgotten By Cat Patrick

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Congratulations on getting 200 GFC followers!!!

My 2011 fave book so far are:-

"The Beginner's Guide to Living" by Lia Hills


"Wither" by Lauren DeStefano

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 200 followers, and WOOHOO for a seriously sweet giveaway! If I win, I'm totally going for Die for Me...even though I've already read it! MUST own!

Unknown said...

My favorite book so far it's been The Iron Fey series (I know, that's more than a book, sorry!). thanks for the giveaway!

Alex Garcia

Jana said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win!
My favourite is series Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins♥

Darlene said...

Two really great books that I have read recently are:

Still Missing by Chevy Stevens
Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

Thanks for the giveaway!

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

I just finished hounded by Kevin Hearne and freaking loved it!
Jennifer K Jovus
kjovus at gmail dot com

Patricia said...

Thanks for this Giveaway and lol "If you're still reading this" Hahahaha XD LIKE!

Dani @ Refracted Light said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway and congrats on 300+ followers! :)

My favorite read of 2011 has probably been either "The Greyfriar" by Clay & Susan Griffith OR "Filter" by Gwenn Wright.

Megan said...

Congrats on over 300 followers! My top books so far for this year are: Across the Universe, A Touch Mortal, The Goddess Test, Haven, The Girl in the Steel Corset, and Darkness Becomes Her.

Chey said...

Hey! Thanks so much! You've reached so many followers. :D My favorite book I've read this summer is Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

Violet said...

I enjoyed Heist Society. I was really great and funny book! :)
Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Kaity said...

Congrats on such a wonderful achievement! And thank you for hosting a giveaway :)

My favorite read of 2011 so far was Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder. Fell crazy in love with it.

Chel said...

Favorite read of 2011 so far is The Locket by Stacey Jay. :)

wanda f said...

Just finished reading Feirce Dawn by Amber Scott I highly reccomend it


Denise Z said...

Congratulations - it looks like you are getting closer to 400 :) Good thoughts for continued success.

Anry said...

Congrats on so many followers and thanks for the giveaway. :)
Favorite read of 2011 so far is Wither by Lauren DeStefano. :)

Iulia Lesley said...

Congrats on your 200+ followers and thanks for the opportunity!

Anry said...

Congrats on so many followers and thanks for the giveaway. :)
Favorite read of 2011 so far is Wither by Lauren DeStefano. :)

wanda f said...

Just finished reading Feirce Dawn by Amber Scott I highly reccomend it


Patricia said...

Thanks for this Giveaway and lol "If you're still reading this" Hahahaha XD LIKE!

Darlene said...

Two really great books that I have read recently are:

Still Missing by Chevy Stevens
Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

Thanks for the giveaway!

bookbitereviews said...

My favorite for the year so far is between 4 really good books.

1. An Apple For Zoe By Thomas Amo (giveaway on blog)
2. Childe By C.A. Kunz
3. The Pearl Savage By Tamara Rose Blodgett (Giveaway soon)
4. Forgotten By Cat Patrick

Sniffly Kitty said...

Favorite Read so far is Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi

Aliraluna said...

I want to read Divergent!!! grr e.e congrats for all your followers

Tamara said...

Starcrossed, Divergent, Die For Me, Unearthly, to name some. :))

Jenny said...

I just discovered the Past Midnight series by Mara Purnhagen. I'm loving it. There are 2 out already plus an eBook novella. There will be one more book and eBook novella coming in August. So if you love it like I do you'll have a lot to read!

Great giveaway by the way! :) Congrats on the followers!

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

Thanks for the fab giveaway! fave book read in 2011?? This one's hard...so far I've loved would be Spellbound, Ordinary Beauty and Paranormalcy.
Thanks again!

Ashley said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Great giveaway! I'd say Torment by Lauren Kate or Crunch Time by Diane Mott Davidson or The Priest's Graveyard by Ted Dekker!

SusieBookworm (Susanna) said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite reads so far this year have been Jasper Jones, Memento Nora, and Across the Universe.

Badass Bookie said...

Congrats on 200+ followers! I was so excited when I reached 200 I hope you are too :) Great reviews you have written and keep up the great blogging!

Ronyka7 said...

congrats more than 200 followers. thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa said...

I've heard so many great things about each of these books!(:
Awesome giveaway and congratz!


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