Happy Friday, lovelies!
Welcome to July!!! (well, depending on when you read this, lol!)
TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads where she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!
This week's question:
Oooo....that is SUCH a hard question! I mean, if we're talking "classic" literature, then I'm a MAJOR sucker for Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy! Now, in more contemporary books (of the YA that I read), I'm not actually sure that I can name just one! However, I will say that I have a VERY SOFT SPOT for Anna and Etienne in Anna and the French Kiss because OMG HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!?!?! Seriously, that book/couple was so fabulous. I'm dying to read that book again...especially now that I'm thinking about it. If only I had the money to just go buy it! :-)

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured blogger--Ericka @ Let's Talk About Books! Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!! All you have to do is follow the featured blogger, write your own post answering this week's question, and then leave your link! Oh yeah--and then follow some new peeps!
This week's question:
Q. ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get extra points if you include visual stimulation.
I'm not sure I have an answer for this one! How sad is that? Let me think...
Okay, okay...I would pick Alice Cullen/Ashley Greene from the Twilight Saga because as cheesy as these books/movies are I really liked her character.
The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly bookish meme where you can get to know fellow bloggers! It's generally hosted by Jen @ Crazy for Books. Stop by and join in the fun!
This week's question:
Q: What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf?
Pacing! I know a lot of people would probably say the same thing (maybe?) but a story needs to set off at a good pace for me to feel drawn in. I don't necessarily mean that there has to be a lot of action per se but that the story needs to move. When a book drags (or feels like it is dragging), then I have trouble wanting to keep picking it up. A well-paced book (for me) draws me in within the first 50 pages and a really well-paced book won't let me put it down until I'm finished. My number two "thing" is probably character development, although I'll definitely let it suffer for the former!
**Don't forget to check out my 200 follower giveaway!**
GREAT ANSWER...it is a tough question.
I have a giveaway for NIGHT TRAIN going on until July 25
Loved Anna & the French Kiss. Can't wait for Lola.
I have a major crush on Etienne too and Mr Darcy!
Aw I love Alice! She's such a cool person! Nice choice :) Here's my FF!
-Jessica (Peace Love Books)
Just blogging by, have a great week-end.
Nice answers. I loved Anna & St. Claire, too. I almost wanted to hold a spot for Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door, because I'm sure I'll love him just as much. :)
Happy Friday!
kathy from Read This Instead
I love ALL your answers. Although I don't read classics much I think Elizabeth/Mr. Darcy is a great couple. I also love Alice in Twilight.
I love Alice from Twilight! Great choice :) My favorite book/film character of all time is Howl from Howl's Moving Castle.
Following as Sakira. I hope you'll take the time to check out my Follow Friday and Book Blogger Hop posts.
Kris Imaginary Reads
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like yours so I'm a new follower.
Have a nice weekend.
Oh, the pacing of a story is SO important- if it's too slow, you're probably not going to be too eager to read it.
I'm a new follower! And I did NOT know there was a library school out there :O
Hopping by via Crazy for Books. I don't read nearly as many YA books as you do but I am finding that I like them more and more. The last one I read was Kelly Keaton's Darkness Becomes Her. The mythology aspect was really good but I think the book could have been much better unfortunately. Anyway, I'm a new follower. If you want, check out my blog.... Crysteena73.blogspot.com Thanks!
Hopping through. I'd love to meet Alice. But she has to bring Jasper with her. I love them both.
My Hop
Ooh, pacing- good one! Hopping by. I love reading YA, but I also like to mix it up. I love the title of your blog!
GraceKrispy@MotherLode blog
Hopping through. I'd love to meet Alice. But she has to bring Jasper with her. I love them both.
My Hop
Aw I love Alice! She's such a cool person! Nice choice :) Here's my FF!
-Jessica (Peace Love Books)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like yours so I'm a new follower.
Have a nice weekend.
I have a major crush on Etienne too and Mr Darcy!
I love ALL your answers. Although I don't read classics much I think Elizabeth/Mr. Darcy is a great couple. I also love Alice in Twilight.
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