On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It's where I list all the books I desperately want but haven't actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming.
Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
Inside Out Summary:
I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? The only neck at risk is my own…until I accidentally start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution...

Outside In Summary:
Me? A Leader? Okay, I did prove that there's more to Inside than we knew. That a whole world exists beyond this cube we live in. And finding that led to a major rebellion - between worker scrubs like me and the snobby uppers who rule our world. Make that ruled. Because of me, we're free. I thought that meant I was off the hook, and could go off on my own again - while still touching base with Riley, of course. He's the one upper I think I can trust. But then we learned that there's outside and then there is Outside. And something from Outside wants In.
I am just starting this one, but after reading the first one, I already know I want to buy this one eventually! But again, the UK cover is way cooler. :-)
What's on YOUR wishlist?
I actually borrowed this one from the library and sadly never got around to reading it. I still want to read it though. Great list!
I LOVE the new covers!!! I have Outside In, But need Inside Out... AND I need the OLD version to match MY current cover! GRRR
The Bookish Brunette
I read Poison Study by this author and really enjoyed it so I'm hoping to start this series as well at some point. Great choices!
Man Nice Covers. Just visiting and seeing what is on people's wishlist. So many good things. Off to read some more books. Just stopping by and saying hello. Yes GFC follower.
I've just started reading Inside Out :) I hope its a good as everyone says!
Great books on your wishlist. These are both on mine too, they really do sound awesome! :)
I just picked up Outside In at the library. I hope you get your book. My featured wish this week is Babymouse: Monster Mash by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm. Come see why.
I just recently received Outside In from the library. I like this cover better than Inside Out, but the UK covers are the best. I enjoyed this series more than I thought I would, too. Definitely something to add to the shelf. :)
Hi, Jessi! I'm a new follower, and a YA addict myself! But I do have an eclectic blog, so I'll be interested to see what other non-YA books you throw into your mix.
These two novels sound very intriguing, not to mention FABULOUS! And you're SO right about the covers. I looked them up on Amazon, and I don't like the covers I saw there nearly as much as these. So, when I order them, I'll do so from the Book Depository. Covers are VERY important to me -- in the past, I've been known to even buy a more expensive edition of a book just because I preferred that cover.
Well, anyway, thanks for bringing these two terrific books to our attention! : )
I just recently received Outside In from the library. I like this cover better than Inside Out, but the UK covers are the best. I enjoyed this series more than I thought I would, too. Definitely something to add to the shelf. :)
I've just started reading Inside Out :) I hope its a good as everyone says!
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