Happy Friday, lovelies!
I hope you had a fabulous week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! I know I am!!
I hope you had a fabulous week and are looking forward to an awesome, book-filled weekend! I know I am!!
TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads where she poses a thought-provoking question to prompt some blogger discussion!
This week's question:
Bookshelf Tour: Where do you keep your books at home? Are they organized?
I keep my books on a plethora of bookshelves! My camera is out of whack so I can't show you at this moment, but I can certainly tell you about a few of them. First, there is my Bedroom Shelf. These are books that I haven't read and want to soon-ish or books that are pretty and I want to look at a lot. They are mostly fiction and they are arranged alphabetically by the authors last name. This bookshelf is a smallish one that is a folding shelf from Target that I got when I was a senior in college. My second and third bookshelves are in one of our spare bedrooms and they are bigger (5-shelf and much wider). One is dedicated to fiction and the other is non-fiction (well, mostly--the fiction has spilled over). The fiction books here are also arranged alphabetically by author's last name. The non-fiction are arranged (okay, don't laugh--I'm a huger nerd) by Library of Congress number (with a post-it note inside until I have time to use the awesome acid free stickers that I bought and the typewriter to make them labels...which I did for most of my husbands books). The NF are a little out of order at the moment because I've been trying to make room for books in various places...

"Follow My Book Blog Friday" is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View and Allison at Allison Can Read where bloggers make new friends, including this week's featured bloggers--We Fancy Books and A Novella's Tale! Pop on over to Parajunkee's blog and join in the follow fun!! All you have to do is follow the featured blogger, write your own post answering this week's question, and then leave your link! Oh yeah--and then follow some new peeps!
This week's question:
Q. Name 3 authors that you would love to sit down and spend an hour or a meal with just talking about either their books or get advice on writing from?
1. Gayle Forman - If I Stay and Where She Went have by far been some of my favorite books this year. The writing is phenomenal and I would love to just pick her brain about the writing process and her characters.
2. Veronica Roth - This young chick is clearly amazing. She seemed so down-to-earth when I met her in June and I'd love to just sit down and talk to her about the whole experience--getting published, selling the movie rights...all right out of college!
3. Stephanie Perkins - Anyone who can write a book as fun to read as Anna and the French Kiss MUST be a fabulously fun person to hand out with (also true judging on her Tweets). She seems like the kind of person you could spend the afternoon having fun with and the time would fly!
The "Book Blogger Hop" is a weekly bookish meme where you can get to know fellow bloggers! It's generally hosted by Jen @ Crazy for Books. Stop by and join in the fun!
This week's question:
Q: What's the ONE genre that you wish you could get into, but just can't?
I read pretty widely so this is kind of a difficult question to answer. However, I'm going to have to say high medieval fantasy. I know--that's pretty specific, but let me explain. My husband is not much of a fiction reader. He's a historian--a medieval historian in the second year of his PhD program. He almost never reads fiction (I'll give you one guess why...). HOWEVER, he has a huge love affair with George R.R. Martin as well as a few other fantasy writers (maybe Tad Williams? Clearly I don't pay enough attention...). I've TRIED (and am still trying) to get through GoT...but it's SO not my cup of tea. It would be nice to be able to talk books with my hubby occasionally...
**Don't forget to check out my 200 follower giveaway! 10 more followers and I will add a 3rd winner!
Giveaway ends on Monday**
I agree with you :] I am a new follower and I would love if you came and followed me back at
Ashley Suzanne!
New follower! :)
I chose Stephenie Perkins too! haha high five!
My follow friday
The fact that you organise by Library of Congress number makes me sort of geekily happy.
Have you tried watching the HBO series? I don't usually advocate watching something before reading the book, but maybe seeing it visually would be helpful? I'm just such a fan that I love to spread them as far as I can. Still, I appreciate that everyone likes different things. Annnnnd I woud love to meet with Veronica Roth.
We have one in common; I love love Divergent! Great picks, I have yet to read from the other authors.
Thanks for the visit and follow. New follower here!
Happy Friday :}
Three great choices to sit down and chat with! What a hard question.
Thanks for stopping by mine!
Stopping by and returning the follow! I love your author picks. I haven't read GoT either, but I plan to - I'll have to see if it's too high fantasy for me.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hopping through. Gayle is a great choice. I hadn't thought of her. And definitely with you on Stephanie.
My Hop
Hi, I am a new follower just hopping through. I keep seeing Stephanie Perkins on a quite a few list. I must definitely check out her books.
Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick
Oooh Veronica Roth rocks my face off!
My FF Post!
I recognize the mentioned authors but haven't yet read them. I will be reading Divergent so I'm going to get there.
I read the first GoT book ages before the TV series. I HATED it. It's okay to not like the same books your husband does.
Since last week's pie chart about where I get my books was so popular, I thought I'd share what types of books I do read. Please stop by to see which genres I don't typically read.
Hi and happy Friday!
My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice weekend :)
Veronica Roth would be fantastic to meet too! Divergent is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
I do like some medieva antasy ever now and then. But not all of them..
Stopping by for the blog hop.
Have a wonderfull weekend!
Kyanara from Laced Little Muffin's reading corner
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Gayle Forman's books! They're so tear-jerking that it's almost unbelievable. She's just such an amazing writer, and I'm so glad that you chose her as on of your three :)
Veronica Roth too (because Divergent was awesome!)! I haven't read Stephenie and the French Kiss yet, but I'm planning on it soon!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)
Hi, I don't think I could get through GoT either, its a big book and I could probably watch the new show they have based on it more than I could read it. I have heard its really good though, but that sort of thing isn't really my thing either.
Following you also! I didn't see a GFC, so I followed your networked blogs.
I agree on the medieval fantasy.
Follow Friday
My daughter has loved all the GoT books, I started the first one but ran out of time. I intend to try again.
Happy Friday! New follower here.
Full Moon Dreaming
Thanks for stopping by...
I feel stupid, but what has Veronica Roth written? The name sounds familiar, but I can't place the books...
I just love Gayle Formans books, I love if I stay, it was my favorite. I still have to read where she went. I hope its as good as the first one!!
Happy Firday!! New Follower!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back (: Gayle Forman is a good choice, I read If I Stay and it was really good. I also chose Stephanie Perkins like you mentioned on my blog (: She is amazing! And I almost chose Veronica Roth. I mean, Divergent was fabulous! Have a great weekend (:
-Katie @ Magic Is In Words
Very interesting choices. Gayle Forman is a great author, I havent read Divergent or any of the books by Stephanie but I´ve heard great things about them!!!
Thanks for visiting SGR :)
-Mariana S
It's just like Ranganathan says, every reader his book... I love high medieval fantasy!
I love seeing other people's bookshelves. You can really learn a lot by what they've got on their shelves. I have been trying to keep everything I own on ONE bookshelf, (it's a large bookshelf, but still) It's difficult. I've put myself on a book diet. I've got to thin down my collection. The last thing I want to do is collapse under a pile of my own (unread) books.
Oooh, Gayle Forman! Good choice! I haven't read Divergent yet. T.T I know, bad Lucia! It's on my shelf, waiting to be read! And Stephanie is another great choice! She seems like a such a nice person. I met her once at Teen Book Con. I would love to meet her again!
Hi, new follower here for the hop.
You're list is wonderful, I did read of these books and loved them too!
I’d love to talk to Stephanie and Gayle and Veronica! And your genre pick is really interesting. I've never actually thought about reading high medieval fantasy.
I love the blue and orange in your blog layout! Thanks for hopping by the blog!
Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I didn't think about Veronica Roth, but I loved Divergent! Like you I mentioned fantasy as a possible genre I didn't like, and like you I think it is the medieval fantasy that I don't enjoy.
Hopping by and really liked your Hop comment -- made me smile. I haven't tried George RR Martin yet, but my husband has been reading his books (so I'm reading vicariously through him). :)
I would love to meet the three authors you mentioned. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! Following you too!
Hi! I'm a new follower :) I love how you organized your books (I want to see it though :). Mine are not alphabetically arranged, though I organize them according to my favorites :) If you have time, would you visit my site and see mine at: http://books4juliet.blogspot.com/2011/07/tgif-at-greads-1-where-do-you-keep-your.html
The 3 authors I want to spend time with are Stephenie Meyer, Cassandra Clare, and Veronica Roth. I wish there were four at least, cos I want Stephanie Perkins too! :)
Hope u are having a great weekend! New follower!
So true about Stephanie Perkins! I loved her book and she is one of my favorite people on Twitter. I totally can't wait for Lola! :)
As for Veronica Roth and Gayle Forman, they are on my TBR pile and I'm really looking forward to checking out their books. I've only heard amazing things!
Ohhh, Gayle Forman is a good choice! :]
Hopping through! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week!
Nora, The Bookery
I love Veronica Roth! Awesome picks! Thanks for following, now following you back!
So true about Stephanie Perkins! I loved her book and she is one of my favorite people on Twitter. I totally can't wait for Lola! :)
As for Veronica Roth and Gayle Forman, they are on my TBR pile and I'm really looking forward to checking out their books. I've only heard amazing things!
Very interesting choices. Gayle Forman is a great author, I havent read Divergent or any of the books by Stephanie but I´ve heard great things about them!!!
Thanks for visiting SGR :)
-Mariana S
Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I didn't think about Veronica Roth, but I loved Divergent! Like you I mentioned fantasy as a possible genre I didn't like, and like you I think it is the medieval fantasy that I don't enjoy.
I’d love to talk to Stephanie and Gayle and Veronica! And your genre pick is really interesting. I've never actually thought about reading high medieval fantasy.
I recognize the mentioned authors but haven't yet read them. I will be reading Divergent so I'm going to get there.
Hopping through. Gayle is a great choice. I hadn't thought of her. And definitely with you on Stephanie.
My Hop
Three great choices to sit down and chat with! What a hard question.
Thanks for stopping by mine!
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